Below are some resources for healthcare providers in Region 6 who work in or would like to work in substance use prevention, treatment, and recovery.
- Opioid Recovery Partnership
- Improving Multidisciplinary Pain Care and Treatment
- Together Arkansas Opioid Response Initiative
- NaloxHome
- Statewide Protocol for Pharmacists Giving Naloxone
- Peer Recovery Support Specialists
- Regional Prevention Provider Directory
- UALR: University of AR Little Rock
- Archival Risk Factor and State Epidemiological Workgroup
- Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)
- Healthcare-Based Prevention Resources
- Botvin Lifeskills Training
- Oklahoma First Responder Naloxone Initiative
- Southern Plains Tribal Health Board
- ODMHSAS Naloxone Administration Training
- Oklahoma Flex Rural Veterans Health Access Program
- Texas Substance Use Symposium
- Centralized Training
- Achara Consulting
- Addiction Research Institute / S SW Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC)
- Center for Addiction Sciences and Therapeutics
- Addiction Research Training and Treatment (ARTT) Center for Excellence
- The PREMIER Center at the University of Houston
- Texas Association of Addiction Professionals (TAPP)
- Kronkosky Charitable Foundation
- Be Well, Texas