Upcoming Trainings for Family Members, Caregivers, and Support Providers
Texas Recovery Support Services (RSS) ECHO
Meets every 4th Wednesday of the month.
The focus of this ECHO is to expand the skills, abilities and knowledge base of Recovery Support Services (RSS) professionals using the latest identified best practices both nationally and locally. The primary issues to be addressed include public policy, client advocacy, stigma reduction, and organizational capacity building. Education and advocacy are needed to bring awareness and change that includes issues of discrimination and prejudice against people in recovery and treatment settings. The continued development of RSS is dependent on changing laws and policies that continue to influence public opinion and the ability to expand services within the behavioral health system. Texas is a large and diverse state making continuity of peer services challenging, especially the ability to maintain the delivery of services using the latest best practices. This program assists the RSS community in staying up to date on evidence-based practices, as well as the emerging policy landscape.
Texas Recovery Science ECHO
Meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month.
Peer recovery support services (PRSS) are an established best practice to support the recovery processes of individuals with substance use disorders. However, there are important scientific gaps that remain to better understand the mechanisms underlying the efficacy and effectiveness of PRSS (Bassuk et al, 2016). This research-focused ECHO program will grow a diverse workforce skilled in conducting recovery science research to address these knowledge gaps. Recovery Science ECHO participants will gain access to a network of established and emerging recovery scientists and researchers eager to collaborate and address the most pressing scientific questions of the field.
New Mexico Community Health and Peer Support Worker Opioid Training ECHO
Meets every Thursday from 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. MST.
The New Mexico Community Health Worker and Peer Support Worker Opioid ECHO training is a 12-week cohort designed to support the New Mexico CHW and PSW workforce in their treatment of clients with opioid use disorder. Using the ECHO model, our multidisciplinary hub team leads participants through evidence-based didactics and case-based presentations.
Oklahoma Community Health Worker ECHO
Meets every second and fourth Thursday of the month from 12:00 pm CST to 1:00 pm CST.
Through a virtual learning network, get connected with a multi-disciplinary team of experts to share knowledge and build capacity for delivering best practice care. This ECHO program is designed to support the CHW/CHR workforce in providing care and resources to the patients and community they serve.
Substance Use Education Video Series
These online video series offer introductory education about substance use. Each series addresses concerns unique to specific populations and substances. All videos are best viewed at full screen.
Community-based prevention education on opioid and stimulant use offered by Purdue Extension
Please contact us to request a training on safe medication practices for your organization or group
Learn how to dispose of unused or expired drugs
Disposal of Unused Medicines: What You Should Know
Prescription Opioid Education and Awareness Toolkit
Montana State University Prescription Opioid Education and Awareness Toolkit can be accessed online by clicking on the links provided below. The content in each module can be viewed, downloaded, and printed.